Be Brave, Be Bold, and Stand for Something

I was reading the story of Ft. McHenry, circa 1814, with my son during his homeschool writing curriculum. The story prompt was to write in first person as if you were the flag. We chose the battle in which the "Star Spangled Banner" was written. I hadn't read a story from the beginnings of America [...]

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

"Where is your good God now?" "I'm not religious, but will you pray for me?" "This is mother nature's wrath on climate deniers." There are so many misconceptions when "bad" things happen. Everyone wants to explain why, place blame, and throw off any responsibility for it. They also suddenly want prayer without the acknowledgement that [...]


Broken. Abused. Used. Where do I begin... After my last blog (view here) women have reached out to me. They've told me pieces of their stories and poured out their hearts. It wasn't something I expected, but I am thankful for their honesty. I'm thankful for their trust, and I hope I can continue to [...]

An Open Letter to Planned Parenthood Supporters

Dear Planned Parenthood Supporter, There were many of you at the recent "Women's March" in D.C. and around the United States. We saw you come out in support of women's reproductive rights, abortion, STD screenings, and a woman's overall right to "choose." Many of you are now upset that President Donald Trump has signed an executive [...]